Kajian tentang Kemungkinan Pemanfaatan Bahan Serat Ijuk sebagai Bahan Penyerap Suara Ramah Lingkungan
The probability of application of palm fibre from arenga pinnata appear as best treatment for
sound absorption material which can be used in controlling noise. The objective of this study
is to determine sound absorption coefficient value of palm fibre through a testing the
absorbent material, by applying sabine reverberation time formulation in reverberation
chamber at Thermal and acoustics laboratory Syiah Kuala University. Result of this study
show that sound absorption coefficient value is obtained 0.97, at 2000 Hz. Whereas thickness
of material 20 cm with density of 150 kg/m
. Addition of density can increase sound
absorption coefficient value in frequency range 1/3 octave. Proven that a comparison palm
fibre and artificial material and consequently palm give better quality values because it
economic value and friendly environment.