Analysis the Use of Punctuation Marks on The Writing Ability of Nursing Students
language skills are the main capital in writing skills. The writing ability of university students is
the basic for language skills to the next level or level. The ability to use correct spelling is one of
the important things in writing skills. The research design used a qualitative descriptive approach,
because this study aims to describe the use of punctuation in writing explanatory texts for 2nd
semester 4th grade students of the S1 Nursing Study Program, STIKES Bina Sehat PPNI
Mojokerto. This study is intended to collect data, manage data, analyze data and present data
objectively regarding the object of research, namely the use of punctuation in writing explanatory
texts for level 2 semester 4 of the S1 Nursing Study Program, STIKES Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto.
Based on the result The total number of punctuation errors as many as 207 out of 45 students
writing explanatory texts shows that the intensity of punctuation errors is still high enough so that
improvements and improvements are needed in the learning process.