Tuberculosis is a chronic bacterial infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a common nursing problem in pulmonary TB patients is the ineffectiveness of airway clearance because bacteria will damage the lung parenchyma area and cause inflammatory reactions that make excessive secretion production so that it can cause obstruction of the airway. breath. The research method used is a case study. Participants in this study consisted of one male and adult pulmonary tuberculosis patient in the working area of Gondang Public Health Center in Kepuhrangkang Hamlet, RT. 02 RW 06 Centong Village, Gondang District, Mojokerto Regency, with the criteria of experiencing ineffective airway clearance, incapacity, coughing, excessive sputum and the treatment period is less than 6 months. The results of the study on both participants that after nursing actions for 3 home visits the problem was partially resolved because although there was a decrease in cough frequency, the client still complained of coughing up phlegm, phlegm came out a lot, sometimes shortness of breath, RR 21x/minute, regular breathing rhythm, client able to expel phlegm, watery phlegm, no odor, not accompanied by blood spots, there are additional breath sounds of crackles in some areas of the lung fields. Interventions that have been carried out Observing the ability to cough and sputum issued, Observing breathing patterns, frequency, additional breath sounds (gurgling, wheezing, ronkhi), / Fowler, Advise warm drinking, , Advise deep breathing and effective coughing, Advise fluid intake of 2500 ml/ day, Carry out the doctor's advice on anti-tuberculosis drug therapy.