Vegetable consumption is categorized as sufficient if you eat at least five servings of vegetables per day for seven days a week. One of the causes of the low consumption of vegetables in children is due to a lack of knowledge and an attitude of ignoring the importance of eating vegetables. Ineffective nutrition education for children from an early age has an impact on lack of knowledge about healthy and balanced food consumption patterns as adults, causing wrong behavior. These problems can be bad for the growth and development of children. Children can have a great opportunity to suffer from malnutrition because the food consumed in small quantities does not meet their nutritional needs. The purpose of this study was to find out the description of vegetable consumption in grade 3-4 children at SDN Menanggal sub-district Mojosari Kab. Mojokerto. The design used in this research is descriptive. The population of all students in grades 3-4 at SDN Menggal is 83. The sampling used in this study was purposive sampling. The sample in this study were all students in grades 3-4 at SDN Menanggal. The results of this study indicate that the results of the study show that most of the respondents' characteristics are based on vegetable consumption as many as 19 respondents (52.8). In the opinion of researchers, consumption of vegetables and fruit in children is still very minimal and there are still many that are not in accordance with the recommendations. A habit of eating vegetables regularly will form good habits for children. The more knowledgeable about nutrition, the more a school child will consider the type and quality of food that will be chosen for consumption, such as vegetables which are very beneficial for growth and disease prevention.