Continuity of Care is given continuously toward postpartum mothers, neonatus, and
family planning in the interest of early complications that can occur and prevent the cause of
death in mothers and infants. Therefore the author aims to apply the method of Continuity of
Midwifery Care at Pungging Public Health Center in Mojokerto Regency, this method is
carried out through home visits. The author undertake accompeniment to Mrs. R, 28 years old,
by visiting during the puerperium, newborns, and family planning along with provide care in
accordance the needs of the mother and infants.
Continuity of Midwifery Care is carried out using midwifery management and SOAP
documentation methods. Midwifery care to Mrs.R P30003 was conducted from March 13,
2020 until April 23, 2020 in Pungging Health Center, Mojokerto Regency. The author
puerperal visits 4 times, newborns 3 at the same moment and family planning visits 1 time
At the postpartum visit, it was found that the mother did not have any
complaints and the mother's condition was good. At the first visit of the neonate, the
baby was fine. On the third day, the baby looked more yellow within physiological
limits. The third visit, after two weeks, the baby condition is getting normal. On the
first visit of the family planning program is informing the mother about various
contraceptives for breastfeeding mothers. the mother decided to become a prospective
3-month injectable family planning acceptor.
The Continounity of care that has been carried out and understood by the
mother during examination, it shows that the mother is quite cooperative and can
receive information and education. The writer can provide care in accordance with the
needs of the mother and baby. It is expected that with the ongoing midwifery care in
the puerperium, newborns, and birth control midwives can detect early complications
that occur so as to reduce MMR and IMR, and can implement obstetric management,
maintain and be able to increase competence in providing care in accordance with
midwifery service standards. , adding knowledge for mothers about childbirth and
infant care.