The postpartum process, newborn babies, and family planning are basically a natural
process, but in the process it can become a problem or complic ation at any time that can
endanger both the mother and the baby. Ther efor e, the author aims to apply the method of
continuous midwif ery car e (continuity of car e) at the Puskesmas Bangsal Mojokerto Regency,
this method is carr ied out through home v isits.
Midwifery car e ( continuit y of care) is carried out u sing midwif er y management and the
SOAP documentation method. Midwifer y care for Mrs. R P20002 was conducted on March 11,
2020 at PMB Lilik Fauzah Amd. Keb Region Bangsal Community Health Center, Mojokerto
Regency. The author condu cted 4 postpartum visits, 3 newborns at the same time and 1 f amily
plann ing visit.
Ther e were 4 postpartum visits, namely 1 time at PMB and 3 times at the patien t's
house and the r esults were physiological. Dur ing the visit, the newborn was carried out 3 times, 1 time at PMB and 2 times at the patient' s house whose implementation schedule coincided with
the postpar tum visit, the result was no pathological condition. The family planning visit was
carr ied out once, namely at the 7th week of the puerperium, the patient was inter ested in using
KB MAL. The r esults of midwifery care showed conformity to data and theor y in each
postpartum phase, n eonates, and family planning. Each phase is going well because the condition
of the mother and b aby is good.
Management of midwif ery car e at Mrs. R during the postpartum period, newborn
babies, and f amily planning are in accord ance with the theory and it is hoped that midwives in
carr ying out con tinuity of car e can then apply midwifery management, maintain and be able to
incr ease competence in providing care in accordance with midwifer y service standards.